HOPE Foundation
Healthy Older People
The HOPE Foundation are a charitable trust dedicated to sponsoring research on ageing and its effects on the New Zealand community. They fund a wide range of research areas including biomedical, clinical, public health and wider psycho-social aspects of ageing and we are extremely grateful for their support which they have given right from the initial training workshops in 2019.
Auckland University
Waipapa Taumata Rau
Founded in 1883, Auckland is the country’s largest university with over 40,000 students, nearly 10,000 of whom graduate annually.
The University provides valuable support for RGM by hosting the web site, providing a training venue in Auckland and through the on-going work of The Joyce Cook Chair in Ageing Well (Prof Ngaire Kerse).
Age Concern
He Manaakitanga Koumatua Aotearoa
Age Concern New Zealand is a charity dedicated to people over 65, their friends, and whānau. Promoting dignity, wellbeing, equity and respect, Age Concern provides expert information and support services in response to older people’s needs.
We are proud to be associated with Age Concern and are grateful for their support in promoting RGM and providing opportunities to bring RGM to local communities.